Installing Viking Rise GnBots on PC

How to Download & Install GnBots on PC for Viking Rise

This guide will help you download and setup GnBots on your Windows computer for Viking Rise. Please ensure you follow all steps completely and carefully as any wrong setting could cause errors within the bot.

Step 1: Download the Installer or the File

First you need to download the GnBots zip file or the Installer onto your windows computer so you can install it.

Click Here to Download GnBots 5 on your Windows 7 or higher PC.


Download GnBots.PNG

Tip: If the download doesn't work, your Anti Virus or Windows Defender may be blocking it or you are not on a Windows PC. For MAC, Android or iOS - View the Bot Server Guide Instead

Step 2: Run the Installer or Extract the Zip Files

  • If you selected the Installer (1): 

Run the installer. Follow the steps in the Installer.

  • If you Selected the Zip file (2):

Once the download finishes, open the Zip file and extract all to your PC Desktop.

Click here for an advanced guide on how to unzip files if needed.

Step 3: Open the Bot

Open the GnBots Folder and run the GnBots.exe. If a pop-up appear Saying "Windows protected your PC" select "More info" and then "Run anyway". (If there is any update available to the software will the bot start by updating to latest version)

Start Page Opening the Bot.PNG

Click Begin to move to the next screen in the setup wizard.

Select Game Viking Rise.PNG

Select Viking Rise. This can be changed at any time later if you play multiple games.

Click Next to move to the next screen in the setup wizard.

No Valid Emulator Found LDPlayer.PNG

Next you will need to choose which emulator you would like to run with the bot.

- We recommend that you use LDPlayer for Viking Rise -

If you don't have an emulator installed already, it will say "Unable to find a valid installation"

Click the Nox Player or LDPlayer button to download now.

These are the only three emulators we support at this time. You cannot use Bluestacks. MEmu is not available for Viking Rise.

Step 4: Download and Install LDPlayer

1. Click on the Button to Download LDPlayer

2. Find the downloaded files in your browser.

3. Click the memu.exe to start the installation. 

Download and Install LDPlayer Emulator.PNG

You can Customize the Installation Path at the starting page if needed. 

Install LDPlayer.gif

Once the Emulator is Downloaded will you have a LDMultiPlayer icon available at your desktop. That's where you find your emulators. 

LDMultiPlayer Icon.PNG

Step 5: Continue with the Bot Setup Wizard

Go Back to the bots setup wizard.

After you install an Emulator, click the Refresh icon to check for a valid emulator installation.

Click Next once it says "We've found a valid installation"

Select and Download Emulator.PNG

Step 6: Use the Basic Trial or Activate your License Key

The Trial is the Basic plan you can use forever with the basic actions.  You can run it for 2 hour sessions and includes Multi-Instance Mode, Unlimited Accounts, and ability to play multiple games at once.

The License is the Pro Plan includes everything from the Basic plan and a full access license key that unlocks all premium actions.

Click the Use Trial button to start the Free Basic Plan

or Enter your License and click the Activate License button to start your Pro Plan

You can purchase a Pro License Key at any time to upgrade from the Basic Plan.

Free Trial or Key.PNG

You have now completed the download and install process.

Click Done to close the setup wizard.

Setup Wizard Completed.PNG

Step 7: Add Accounts in LDMultiPlayer (or Nox)

Go to the desktop and open LDMultiPlayer (Nox).

Click New and Select Android 9 (64 Bits). 

Create New Emulators LDPlayer.gif

You have now created 1 Farm Account.

You can Rename It to another name but remember to only use A-Z and 0-9. (No Special Characters). Warning: Make sure that you do not use any blank space before or after the name.

Each Instance Name must be different (Don't use the same names).

Repeat this process for each farm account you have. You can use Account Switch to switch between different IGG logins or Characters of one account. 

Note: Each instance represents 1 phone. If you have 10 instances, that's like having 10 phones and each one will have a separate game account on them.

You have now successfully added accounts to your emulator and can now add the accounts in the bot.

Step 8: Add Accounts in GnBots

Now we are going to link the emulators accounts to the bot. We will come back to the emulator after.

1. Click the Overview tab on the left.

2. Click the Accounts tab underneath it.

3. Click the Add a New Account button. Enter a Name for the Account with No Special Characters. (Like Age of Origin Account 1)

Add New Account.PNG

When you have created the New Account will it look like this:

Account Added.PNG

Step 9: Verify the Selected Emulator

You have now created one account in the bot and now we should verify that you have the correct Emulator selected. 

1. Here you can see the Emulator that is selected.

2. If the Emulator is incorrect open the Action Editor with the button at number 2. That will open the Action Editor.

3. At the number 3 can you open the menu of the emulators and select which ones you use.

Select Emulator Viking Rise.PNG

Step 10: Perform Healthcheck and Use App Installer

Open the Accounts tab again to continue with the setup. 

Healthcheck App Installer Viking Rise LDPlayer.PNG

Click the Square Health Icon (1) to Start the Account Healthcheck

Click the Fix All button to correct any emulator settings issues.

Healthcheck LDPlayer Viking Rise.gif

Click the Puzzle Icon (2) to install the correct version of the game. 

App Installer LDPlayer Viking Rise.gif

If the app installer would get stuck during the installation try to restart the bot. Then use the Puzzle Icon again. 

You are now ready to login to the game accounts to complete the link with your accounts in the game.

Important:  You must always use the puzzle icon to install the correct game version! If you install or update from the Google Play Store the bot will not work correctly as the graphics will be different.

Step 11: Fix Google Settings

Open Google Play Store Settings and adjust the following:

Update Playstore etc LDPlayer Viking Rise.gif

Tap the 3 dots in top right corner and select Settings:

Select Playstore version, click it to download the latest version.

Select Settings - Network preferences - Turn off the Auto Update App option.

Go back to the menu and select Updates:

Update Chrome, Play Store, Play Services & Play Games if they are available. DO NOT update the game.

Use the Sign in Button to Login with your Google account in Playstore.


Step 12: Login With Your Game Account

Switch Account LDPlayer Viking Rise.gif

Open the game and wait for it to load. Select Switch Account or play the game until it's developed enough with all tutorials completed. 

Important: New accounts need level 5 mainhall with tutorials completed manually before they can be used by the bot.

Step 13: Add Actions in the Bot

Open the bot and open the Action Editor under Accounts tab. Select which actions you want to use. Close the action editor to save the selected actions.

Add Actions LDPlayer Viking Rise.gif

You are now ready to start the bot!

Important: The bot will restart the emulator one or two times before it start working. Once that is done it will say "We will restart the instance now". Please do not stop the bot during this process.



Be sure to read these other helpful guides that will improve your botting experience!



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