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[Evony: TKR] Monster Rewards and Gems

Could the bots please add a function where they can go into item inventory and open up the monster rewards chests (Ymir/Hydra/Witch/Alliance Boss Chests/etc)? Same goes for Gems that have accumulated. It doesnt seem that these will be opened when resources are used for building/troop upgrades...and gems don't get used for truce agreements. It is incredibly tedious to have to go in and do this weekly. 



  • Official comment

    Please send me the screenshots created by the emualtor for these boxes, btw we already added a new action called OpenInventory for doing it, but probably it is missing your items you want.

  • Here are screenshots of some of the chests that are not opened by the OpenInventory. It would be a great improvement if they could be opened by the action.


  • Ezy This is a key part of growth in the game and would speed bot growth rapidly so that the bots may gather more resources and build quicker. Has there been any progress on adding this to "open inventory" action?


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