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[Evony: TKR] Automate Actions

There are a handful of actions that are performed repetitively that would help players if they could be automated. Collecting Rewards for Kings Path Gathering Troops (Similar actions as kings path) Collecting Vip Reward daily, bonus if you could include option to add Vip time when expired too. Collecting Login Rewards Collecting Limited Offer Reward And Collecting rewards on Battle of Alliances, King of Monsters, Advanced Journey which all run similarly too. I have a videos I can share.

Kings Path, Gathering Troops, Login Reward, Collect Vip, Collect Limited Offer



  • Official comment

    Yes we would be really interested in your video please post it or create a ticket if you dont want to share it to the public.

  • You really have to program that. These are good rewards we always miss, because it's not automated.

  • Here are screenshots of these events (Gather Troops, King's Path, and Legion Hunting) which have lots of rewards to collect. It would be nice if reward collection could be automated. There are tabs for each day, and each day has multiple sub-tabs with rewards.




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