[The Grand Mafia] Changing Super Presets
It would be great if the program was able to automatically change your super presets to defend for you based on what is incoming. This information can be seen on the radar and at it fastest it can hit you within 2 seconds. It's not a lot of time to adjust and you would have to stay concentrated to watch it all the time. If the program could do it automatically for you it would make tower fights a lot more easier.
Is this possible?
You have 4 superpresets
1. Defense vs Bikers
2. Defense vs Hitmen
3. Defense vs Knives
4. Defense vs Mixxed
You are defending a tower or neutral building with mixxed troops.
The enemy attacks you, the radar sees the incoming attack is predominantly knives and it changes to super preset number 3 automatically for you. Defending you optimally vs Knives.
Even greater would be if it had the option to keep you in enrage state non stop so your stats are optimum.
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