[Mafia City] Productions Speed Up
If I use a speed up for production resources, some times the bot activates just "1" component speed up of each kind Is there any suggestions???
For the bot to activate it on all accounts compared to only one depends on if you got vip activated or not. If VIP is activated will it use for all accounts so it's recommended to use that function.
Bro you miss understand me , the speed up productions is active and the VIP too , but the bot just used 1 component each kind of resources like 1 cargo and 1 arms and 1 cash and 1 metal , knowing that there are a large number of items in stock.
If the vip is activated when the production buff is enabled will it activate it at all. Maybe if you double check that you have the activate vip before the production buff in your bot can solve it for you.
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