[Updates] King of Avalon
Staff Member
Here is where we will post major changes and updates for King of Avalon.
Be sure to Follow this topic to get notified when we post updates.
After following, you will get emailed when we post bot updates, action fixes and when to update your game app to the latest version.
Required Game Settings
Remember: For our bots to work correctly, you need to go into each of your accounts and change your game LANGUAGE to ENGLISH. The bots only speak English and will not detect many of the game buttons if in other languages. The Accounts must also be Level 5 or Higher to work.
[4/7/2024] Bug Fixes:
- Added Spirit Trader for Solar Accounts
- Improved Train Troops
- Improved Use Resources at Upgrade Buildings
- Improved Repair Wall
[08/05/2022] Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Troop Training
[9/20/2022] Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Use Talents
- Fixed Repair Walls
- Fixed Keep opening packages
- Fixed Daily Activity
- Fixed Legendpath
- Fixed Alliance Fort
[9/27/2022] Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Vault
[9/28/2022] Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Upgrade Townhall
[10/07/2022] Game Update
[10/20/2022] Game Update
[11/01/2022] Bug Fixes:
- Improved Arena (Lunar)
- Corrected Collect System Mail Rewards (Lunar)
- Improved Explore Labyrinths (Lunar)
- Corrected Upgrade Mainhall Requirements
- Improved Alliance Healing (Lunar)
- Adjusted Purchases from Merlin Trials (Lunar)
- Improved Alliance Fort (Solar)
- Improved Troop Training (Solar)
- Corrected Vault (Solar)
[11/10/2022] Bug Fixes:
- Improved Arena and Repair Wall (Solar)
[11/16/2022] Bug Fixes:
- Improved Upgrade Buildings (Solar)
[11/23/2022] Improvements:
- Added Items for Alliance Store
[12/02/2022] Bug Fixes:
- Improved Magic Spire
- Improved Alliance Gather
- Improved Labyrinth
- Improved Alliance Actions
- Improved Research
- Improved Upgrade Resources Buildings
[12/23/2022] Bug Fixes:
- Improved Merlin Trials
- Improved Magic Spire
- Improved Wall Repair
[1/6/2023] Game Update
If you receive an error message in the bot where it stops for 800 minutes then please ensure that your game version is the correct version from the Bot App Installer
[1/6/2023] Bug Fixes:
- Improved Alliance Gathering
- Improved Upgrade Mainhall
- Improved Train Troops
[1/17/2023] Bug Fixes:
- Improved Magic Spire
- Improved Alliance Healing
- Improved Merlin Trials
- Improved Monster Attacks
[2/1/2023] Bug Fixes:
- Improved Collect Productions
- Improved Arena
- Improved Collect Tributes
- Improved Labyrinth
- Improved Attack Barbarians
[2/8/2023] Game Update:
[2/18/2023] Bug Fixes:
- Improved Merlin Trials
[2/22/2023] Game Update:
[5/3/2023] Game Update
[14/3/2023] Bug Fixes:
- Improved Magic Spire
[6/14/2023] Game Update
[1/30/2024] Bug Fixes:
- Improved Dailies Quest
- Improved Autoshield
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