Set Custom Rules for Actions

You may want to add custom rules for certain actions that don't need to be ran as often.

To access the Custom Rules:

1. Click the "Clock" symbol next to the Action in the Action Editor Window

2. Select which Custom Rule you would like:

- Skip (will skip this action for X amount of minutes, hours, or days)

- Wait After (will wait X amount of minutes, hours, or days before performing next action)

- Close Instance and Wait After (will close the instance and wait X amount of minutes, hours, or days before performing the next action)

- Only Run On (will only run on the given days and time range. This is based on the time of the PC that runs the bot and NOT the game server time. Click here if you need a tool to easily calculate the difference between your PC/Server time and the time of your game server) 

3. Set the Amount of Time (5, 30, 120, etc)
4. Set the Time Length (Minutes, Hours etc)
5. Click the "Add" button
6. Click the "Confirm" button



Be sure to read these other helpful guides that will improve your botting experience!



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